Exploring the Gut-Brain Axis & the Role of the Microbiome With Dr. Junger

Your gut bacteria influence not only what you eat but also how you feel, creating the gut-brain axis. Some microbes produce compounds that promote relaxation and happiness, while others can contribute to irritability, anxiety, or even depression.

Exploring the Gut-Brain Axis & the Role of the Microbiome With Dr. Junger

Wellness Programs

4 Things You Can Do To Support Longevity

Even though we often associate genetics with aging, it is now well-known that only 20-30% of longevity is related to genetics. This means that environmental factors such as diet and lifestyle play a much larger role in how long we live and how we feel while aging. 

5 Adaptogens To Cleanse Body & Mind
Ayurveda considers the buildup of toxins, or "ama", to be the underlying cause of many diseases, placing great emphasis on using adaptogenic herbs to enhance our body's natural detoxification processes.

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