A cleanse can do wonders for our health, mind, and spirit. A cleanse is a holistic approach that can invigorate and improve every system in your body. Whether you want to heal your gut, strengthen your immune system, improve the quality of your skin, or lose some weight, a cleanse is a gateway to help you get there. The benefits of a cleanse are numerous.
Why Clean 21?
We created the 21-Day Clean Program because we believe that cleansing may be one of the most essential health tools for the modern world. Today, we are exposed to more chemicals than ever before. The more the toxicity of modern life increases, the more the demands to detoxify have increased. This buildup in our bodies can cause skin issues, digestive problems, fatigue, brain fog, constipation, and more.
That’s why our Clean community continues to log success after success story. Here are ten powerful benefits of a cleanse:
Improved Digestion
Chemicals in the personal-care products we use, processed foods we eat, and allergies can make digestion difficult. Our cleanse program addresses this issue head-on by removing irritating foods and products, reducing leaky gut symptoms, and supporting easier and better digestion.
Increased Energy
If there is one thing a cleanse can boast, it’s increasing our overall energy. Following the Cleanse Diet shifts us away from hard-to-digest foods and irritants that cause our energy to plummet. In addition, when we include nutrient-dense shakes instead of solid meals, surplus energy is made available to the rest of the body.
Sharpened Mental Clarity
Digestion uses a lot of our energy. The average transit time through just the large intestine (colon) was 40 hours, with a significant difference between men and women: 33 hours for men and 47 hours for women. A cleanse can free up additional energy by reducing the workload of the digestive system and removing potential irritants like dairy, gluten, and sugar.
Balanced Moods
Many of us depend on stimulants like coffee and sugar to wake up and depressants like alcohol to relax. A cleanse reclaims your body’s natural equilibrium by improving blood sugar, resting the adrenals, and providing the body with nourishing food. With a newly balanced mood and a brighter outlook on life, you may also experience a few more unexpected psychological benefits from doing a cleanse.
Weight Balance
An increasing amount of chemicals we are exposed to are lipophilic, which means they dissolve only in fat. When they enter our bloodstream, our body retains and even generates fat and mucous to surround the potentially damaging molecules. Over time, fat and mucous may cause us to gain weight or make it challenging to lose. A cleanse can help us shed unwanted pounds by aiding our detox pathways, and it can also help people who struggle to gain weight achieve a healthy increase.
Reduced Cravings
If you’re looking to reduce cravings, a cleanse is a great way to go. Many processed foods are loaded with excitotoxins that overexcite our cells and excess sugar that spikes our blood sugar. A cleanse focuses on adding in whole foods and removing all the junk. After a short period, you’ll start to notice your cravings are replaced by an appetite for great-tasting clean foods like a sweet potato pie smoothie, miso-mustard roasted chicken, or paleo parfait.
Visible Changes: Skin, Eyes, Weight
The benefits of a cleanse become evident during our program. It’s incredible to see bloating and weight reduce, eyes brighten, and puffiness lessens. These signs are just the outer changes of a more profound cleansing process that is happening throughout the inside of our body, from the digestive system to the immune system.
A cleanse removes the system disruptions and hard-to-digest foods that often cause us to sleep poorly. In addition, by eliminating stimulants like caffeine and depressants like wine, the adrenal and nervous systems have a chance to rest and find balance. Sleep quickly improves and deepens, increasing the detoxification process along with mental clarity, alertness, weight loss, and the almost endless list of benefits that come from additional sleep. To add that final touch, add a warm cup of this magnesium drink before bed and ensure your bedroom is conducive to good sleep.
Reduced Bloating and Constipation
Constipation and bloating after meals are so common today that we might forget that it’s possible to live without either. A cleanse is one of the best ways to get our digestive system and bowels back on track. After a few weeks on a cleanse diet of easily-digestible foods and supportive supplements, like digestive enzymes and probiotics, bloating and constipation are significantly reduced.
Release Emotional Blocks
Our emotional life is often one of the first areas to get triggered when we do the cleanse. Not only can we experience emotions around removing certain foods, but it’s not uncommon that deeper emotions rise to the surface.
Without the typical numbing practices of junk foods, drinking, or smoking to fall back on, many of us may experience feelings we haven’t felt in a while. The clarity produced by a cleanse can help us release these feelings and grow. To help us deal with the emotional side of detoxing, we recommend a simple 5-minute mindfulness meditation practice.
Build Long-term Health
A well-organized cleanse should create daily habits that we will want to continue after finishing. Over time, these habits are our foundation for vibrant living and prevention from disease. During the 21-Day Clean Programs, we build healthy habits that can dramatically transform our health in the long term. Armed with these habits, we have the means to create an effective long-term health plan fit for our lifestyle.
Experience the benefits of a cleanse with the Clean Program
The 21-Day Clean Program was designed with a simple structure of shake for breakfast, a clean meal for lunch, and a shake for dinner to give you the energy you need to cleanse while living your daily life. If it’s your first time doing a cleanse, you can even try our one week program, Clean 7, to get a sense of what holistic cleansing is all about. So are you ready?
Written by the Clean team
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