Summer Vegetable Puttanesca

Summer Vegetable Puttanesca


The ingredients in this “kitchen sink” type of pasta dish are typical of recipes in the southern parts of Italy; lots of tomatoes, olive oil, olives, capers and garlic. This is a refreshing and easy to pull together twist on a classic meal. The “noodles” are actually raw vegetables and the sauce is also a raw blend of garden-fresh goodness. Feel free to satué this all up for a cooked or warmed meal, it will be delicious either way. Note, this is not for the Clean Cleanse as it contains tomatoes.

For Gut and Refresh

prep time: 20 minutes
cooking time: 30 minutes

for the noodles*
1 medium sized zucchini
2 medium sized carrots *you can also use yellow summer squash, daikon radish, cucumbers, etc.
for the sauce
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 anchovies
2 garlic cloves
2 cups roughly chopped heirloom tomatoes
2 tablespoons capers
pinch of sea salt (you may not need this is the sauce is salty enough as is)
garnish 1 tablespoon or so hemp seeds
2 tablespoons thinly sliced basil
¼ cup chopped olives
4-5 cherry tomatoes, sliced in half

Directions puttanesca-1

Use a peeler to peel the squash and carrots in long strips, discarding the pieces that are all skin.

Once all the veggies are done, mix them together in a large bowl.

In a blender or food processor, combine the sauce ingredients, leaving it a little bit chunky.


Arrange the “noodles” on a plate or bowl, add the sauce and toss together, either completely mixed or leave the sauce as a drizzle over the top, it’s up to you.

You can also throw the noodles and sauce in pan and heat them up, to be as al dente or tender as you like.



Recipe//Frank Giglio

Photography//Jenny Nelson