Something New: A Mango Mulberry Smoothie

Something New: A Mango Mulberry Smoothie

This mango smoothie has an unexpected ingredient you may or may not have tried before – mulberry! Mulberry can easily be found in its dried form and adds a touch of sweetness, plus nutrition to smoothies.

Fats for fullness

We love the creaminess of this smoothie, thanks to the addition of avocado. Avocado is mild in flavor but rich in nutrients and fatty acids, making it the perfect addition to smoothies. Avocado is full of carotenoids and lutein, a type of antioxidant, and both compounds help fight oxidation in the body and protect eye health. In addition to containing these powerful antioxidants, the fat in avocado helps the body absorb and utilize the compounds. Avocado is rich in oleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fat. This fat helps reduce cardiovascular inflammation, improves cell membrane composition, and reduces cholesterol.

Mulberries for immunity

Mulberries are a colorful berry related to figs. Mulberries are particularly rich in vitamin C and iron. Vitamin C is essential for immune function and helps the body produce collagen, and iron is critical for energy production and immunity. Mulberries are also a good source of vitamin K, potassium, and vitamin E. They are also rich in many other compounds. One compound is anthocyanins, which help fight LDL (bad) cholesterol oxidation. This, in turn, reduces the risk for heart disease. They are also rich in chlorogenic acid and rutin, both powerful antioxidants that help ward off chronic illnesses.

Chia seeds for fiber

We love adding chia seeds to puddings, smoothie bowls, and shakes. They add a nice thick texture since they are so absorbent. Chia seeds are incredibly high in fiber, one one-ounce containing a whopping 11 grams! One serving also provides one-third of the daily recommended manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus intake.

Serves: 2


2 servings Vanilla Cleanse Shake or Daily Shake

2 cup frozen mango

1/2 avocado

1 tablespoon dried mulberries

1 tablespoon chia seeds

Optional: 2-3 cups spinach


Remove pit and skin from avocado.

Add all ingredients to a blender.

Blend on high until creamy and smooth. Serve immediately.

Recipe and photography by Kaitlyn Noble

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