This Fiddlehead Salad Is Rich In Flavor And Benefits

This Fiddlehead Salad Is Rich In Flavor And Benefits


It’s spring and that means fiddleheads are one of the first fresh green edibles we start seeing in many parts of the country, particularly the Northeast. If this antioxidant-rich plant isn’t available where you live, this fiddlehead salad recipe will be a great example of how important it is to eat local to your own unique area. We make all our recipes so that you can easily alter them and include ingredients that are local and seasonal for everyone in our worldwide community.

Spring is in the air

You can feel free to substitute baby spring asparagus, nettles, or dandelion greens here … whatever is growing right now where you live. Wherever we are, different things are growing at different times and when we align what foods we eat to this cycle, we’re eating exactly what Nature intended us to eat at exactly the time it intended.

For example, bitter greens in the spring are not only packed with nutrition, but the bitter taste stimulates digestion and helps eliminate bile from a winter of heavier foods that are higher in fat and protein. This spring, if you don’t have wild fiddleheads to enjoy, try nettles, dandelion greens, wild mushrooms, or whatever else you want to add to this quickly-cooked salad. We love the combination of cooked and raw, as it’s simple to make, easy to digest, and rich in enzymes. This salad is great on the 21-Day Clean Program for your solid lunch meal.

Note: If you’re using the fiddleheads, make sure you cook them as they can be toxic when raw, but are totally fine when they’re bright green and tender.

Serves 1

Fiddlehead Salad Ingredients:

Mixed greens, enough for one serving of salad, roughly 2 handfuls for one person (depending on how hungry you are!)

2 baby cucumbers (or 1 regular small one)

1-2 cups of fiddleheads (depending on your hunger levels) or whatever other vegetable you’re substituting

1-2 tablespoons coconut oil

2 teaspoons wheat-free tamari

Balsamic vinegar to taste (a few giant glugs as Jamie Oliver would say)



Wash the fiddleheads before cooking and remove any brown stems.

In a medium pot over high heat, melt one tablespoon of coconut oil, and add the fiddleheads, stirring until well coated, about 3 minutes.

Add the 1/2 cup of vegetable or chicken stock (or just water is also fine) and keep the heat at high, stirring frequently while the fiddleheads cook, another 3-4 minutes.

Add a splash of tamari and keep cooking for another 3-4 minutes, lowering heat to medium, letting them soak up the liquid and become nice and tender.

Total cooking time should be around 10 minutes.


Slice the cucumbers and dress the salad greens with balsamic vinegar.


Remove fiddleheads from heat and add to the greens and cucumbers, tossing to combine with an extra splash of balsamic to taste.


Recipe & Photography by the Clean Team