Whether you seek relief from digestive discomfort, want to strengthen your immune and nervous systems, or aim to increase energy levels; adopting new health habits can help pave the way to a healthier gut and a happier, more joyful you. Below you’ll find six habits that if implemented consistently will help to improve your long term gut health:
7 Gut Health Habits You Should Do Everyday
1. Make Mealtimes Quiet Time
One of the best things we can do to encourage good gut health is to eat in a relaxed state as much as possible. Make mealtimes a mindfulness activity. Avoid stressful or difficult conversations, and eat slowly while chewing well. Take the time to fully focus on and enjoy your food. Everything from the colors, texture, and taste. Try to eat in peaceful, pleasant surroundings; take your lunch break in the park, or dim the lights at dinner and play some calming music.
2. Eat Fermented Foods, and Take Your Probiotics
A healthy and balanced internal ecosystem is crucial to the well-being of your gut. Beneficial intestinal flora assists in the digestive process, helps the body fight invaders, makes B vitamins more absorbable, and is a key component to proper detoxification. You can support the good bugs in your gut by eating fermented foods like raw sauerkraut and kimchi, taking a high-quality probiotic supplement, and eating fiber-rich foods. And be add in the Clean Daily Shake which is has a blend of 7 fermented 7 plant-based proteins plus 10 billion probtiotics and you dose of daily multi-vitamins.
3. Avoid Foods That Cause Sensitivities
Some foods often taste good and fulfill an emotional need but may leave us with an impaired gut and symptoms like bloating, fatigue, indigestion, and chronic inflammation. Over time, damage can lead to chronic and severe illnesses. The most common trigger foods are gluten, dairy, alcohol, and refined and processed sugars. Sensitivities can also occur with any whole food, such as strawberries, nightshades, or citrus fruits. Eliminating, while also identifying which foods you may be sensitive to, is key to vibrant health and a healthy gut.

4. Get Eight Hours of Sleep Each Night
A full night’s rest allows for deep tissue repair and healthy hormone and neurotransmitter production. Syncing up with your natural circadian rhythms, and getting into the flow of a full night’s sleep every night is a powerful way to heal your body and digestive processes. There is simply no substitute for deep and restorative sleep.
Creating a good sleep environment is a great practice to keep up. Dim the lights and shut devices off at least one hour before bed. Make your bedroom calm and peaceful for sleeping. Finally, aim for regular sleep and waking times.
5. Increase Daily Activity
Moderate physical activity each day does great things for the beneficial flora in the gut and helps with tone, digestion, and motility. No need for overly strenuous workouts, though about half an hour per day of vigorous Activity, with strength and weight-bearing activity (like free weights or yoga), is perfect.
Rebuilding a healthy inner ecosystem after years of stress and poor eating habits can take some time and patience. Emphasizing a gut-healthy lifestyle, with ongoing cleansing support and a whole foods diet, will have you well on your way to enhanced nutrient absorption, better moods, and a happier and more vibrant you!
6. Manage Stress
Managing stress can play a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy gut. Chronic stress can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, leading to inflammation and digestive issues.
By adopting stress-management techniques such as mindfulness, exercise, adequate sleep, and relaxation techniques, individuals can support their gut health. These practices help reduce cortisol levels, promote a healthy gut microbiome, and improve overall digestion and well-being.
7. Consider Swapping Your Morning Coffee to Matcha
Coffee combined with stress can have a negative impact on cortisol levels, making stress and sleep worse. Matcha gives you the combined benefits of caffeine with L-theanine which help give balanced and sustained energy without the negative effects of coffee.
Invest in Your Gut Health With the Gut Repair Program
If you read the above habits for a healthy gut and found yourself thinking “I know I need to implement these, but how do I get my gut in a healthy place first?” our Gut Repair Program may be the right choice for you. It is a holistic, community-driven cleanse that empowers you to reclaim control of your health and vitality.
Guided by renowned wellness expert Dr. Alejandro Junger and Clean's dedicated Wellness Coaches, this 4-week program offers a deeper level of support and rejuvenation, targeting gut-related health concerns and amplifying your overall well-being. Learn more about our Gut Repair Program today!