Why These Simple Ingredients Make A Powerful Diy Face Mask

Why These Simple Ingredients Make A Powerful Diy Face Mask

cleansing mask

DIY face masks are all the rage right now. With our 21-Day Program, we want to make sure that we are putting the best most natural ingredients in our bodies, so why would it be any different with the products that we put on our skin? Our skin is our largest organ, so a Non Toxic Care Guide is important to have when making decisions about what we put on it. Making our own natural beauty products at home has become the new norm these days. We all want to know what is going into our beauty and skincare products, and what better way to find out than to make it ourselves!

We’ve asked our friend Adina Grigore, author of Skin Cleanse and founder of the all natural skin care line S.W. Basics, to share a simple DIY face mask with us.

Adina is also a fan of eating healthy cleaner foods, she believes what we eat affects the overall health of our skin. In her book she advocates for us to eat more natural and cleaner food and to monitor what we eat to determine what type of food is good, or bad, for our skin. Just like us Adina realizes that with everything in life there needs to be balance, but if we can try to keep our skin care as healthy and clean as we keep the food we eat, for the most part, we can improve our (skin) health, from the inside out.

Getting dirty: The Benefits of a DIY (Clay) Face Mask

Clay has become a very popular ingredient in face masks lately. With it’s ability to bind to, and remove, bacteria and toxins living on our skin and in our pores, clay makes for a great natural detoxifier and purifier to pull out dirt. Clay can also helps to relieve redness and calm acne outbreaks.

Coconut Milk is a DIY Face Mask Essential, to Help Nourish The Skin

Coconut milk is high in fat, protein, and Vitamin E making it very hydrating and soothing to irritated skin. Coconut milk is also high in Vitamin C which can help to improve the elasticity of our skin, thus helping us to ward off those dreaded age spots and wrinkles.

Banish Acne Scars with Cinnamon and our DIY Face Mask

Cinnamon contains antimicrobial properties to help kill bacteria. Cinnamon can also help to fight acne by drawing blood and oxygen to the skin’s surface and by drying out and rejuvenating the skin.

Makes: 2 batches
Prep time: 10 minutes


1/4 teaspoon powdered cinnamon

1 tablespoon dry clay of any kind

3 tablespoons coconut milk

Small mixing bowl


Mix cinnamon and clay in a small bowl. Slowly pour in coconut milk, stirring the liquid into the dry powder evenly (use a fork or whisk to break up any clumps) until it makes a paste.

Apply like a wet face scrub with a cotton ball or with your hands. You can leave it on until it dries or rinse off immediately. The mud dries out quickly, so this recipe makes about two applications. You’ll want to make a fresh batch each time you use it.

Recipe by Adina Grigore

Photography by Adina Grigore