5 Daily Supplements For A Healthy Lifestyle

5 Daily Supplements For A Healthy Lifestyle

Discover the best daily supplements to enhance your health and wellness. Learn how to choose essential vitamins and minerals for a balanced daily regimen.



We get asked quite frequently, “Is taking daily supplements important?” The answer is yes! When quality supplements are used correctly, especially in combination with a cleanse or detox program such as the 7 Day Clean Program, they have the power to completely  transform our health.

Maintaining optimal health and wellness often involves more than just a balanced diet and regular exercise. Incorporating daily supplements into your routine can play a significant role in supporting overall health and addressing specific nutritional needs. In this blog, we’ll explore essential daily supplements, their benefits, and tips for choosing the right ones for your health journey.

Why Are Daily Supplements Important?

Daily supplements can fill nutritional gaps that might be missing from your diet, enhancing your overall vitality and energy levels. They provide essential nutrients that support various bodily functions and promote well-being.

Different supplements offer targeted benefits, such as supporting immune function, cognitive health, and heart health. Incorporating the right supplements for you and your health can help you achieve specific health goals and maintain a balanced state of well-being.

What Supplements Should I Take Daily?

Here are our top 5 recommended daily supplements:

1. Vitamin D3

Increases energy levels and immunity, boosts mood and balances hormones. When possible, get 20 minutes of direct sunlight on your bare skin daily. For maintenance take 2,000-4,000 IU a day of a quality Vitamin D3 supplement. For deficiencies, work with your functional medicine doctor. They will recommend dosages between 5,000-10,000 IU a day for a few weeks.

Our Shine supplement contains 2,500 IU of D3 plus the added benefit of K2 which helps to ensure the calcium transported by the Vitamin D is absorbed by your bones where it's needed, rather than accumulating in deposits in your arteries.

2. Fish oil

A concentrated source of omega-3, EPA-DHA fish oil provides essential fatty acids and reduces inflammation. Start with doses around 1000mg, once to twice daily, with a 300/200 ratio of EPA/DHA.

3. Probiotics

Beneficial bacteria help break down food, absorb nutrients, and boost immunity. Take at least 15 billion live organisms a day. Choose a probiotic capsule that has the lactobacillus acidophilus strain along with other strains such as Bifidobacterium longum, lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum.

4. Magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral directly involved in over 300 different bodily functions and often lacking in our diet. Supports healthy bowel movements, reduces stress and improves sleep. Look for magnesium citrate as it has been shown to absorb better.

5. Daily Shake

Replenishes essential vitamins and nutrients that may not be present in your diet. A high quality nutritional shake mix is more than just a protein powder. It acts like a multivitamin + protein shake making the daily shake an ideal way to keep your body nourished.

How to Take Your Daily Supplements 

All the supplements listed above are best taken with food. However, probiotics can be taken on an empty stomach with water. Refrain from eating for 15 minutes after you have taken them.

There is no fixed rule on how long to take these supplements. Many people continue to take the five supplements listed above indefinitely. A good rule of thumb is to take them for three weeks, then take a few days off before starting them again, unless your healthcare practitioner tells you otherwise.

Where Does Diet Come Into Play? 

Food is the primary way we get our nutrients. The food we eat is information our body uses to tell it how to function and how to express its genes. If we want to function at a high-level, then eating the highest quality and most nutrient-dense foods is the most important first step. We recommend a diet rich in whole plants and healthy animal protein while staying away from processed foods and sugar.

That being said, even if we are eating clean, a diet of whole foods is most likely not sufficient. Whole foods are the key to long-term health, but supplements may just be what we need to take care of any nutrient deficiencies we have.

Why Are Vitamin Deficiencies So Common? 

Our modern lifestyles are less natural: We are more sedentary, spend less time in the sun, and eat more processed food today than ever before. All three of these issues can contribute to nutrient deficiencies.

Industrial agricultural food production reduces nutrient density of our food: Whether it’s picking food before it’s ripe, repeatedly farming single crops on the same plot of land, adding preservatives and conservatives, or shipping food items across the country, all of these activities decrease the quality of our food.

We are not absorbing the nutrients from our food: It’s not just the kinds of foods we eat that are important, it’s how well we absorb them. When our gut is impaired, we don’t absorb the nutrients we need. Supplementation can give us the necessary nutrients and help us repair our gut.

Each person has their own biological strengths and weaknesses: Breastfeeding, c-section births, family history, genetics, and presence of chronic infections are just some of the factors that play a role in how nourished we are. The famous Pottenger cats study shows us that nutritional deficiencies can be passed down through successive generations and may be an important contributing factor in disease.

Some of us might be dealing with the deficiencies of our parents or grandparents. We feel confident that with the right lifestyle balance, good quality supplements, rest, and Activity, we will be on our way to feeling like our best self.

Start Your Journey to Better Health Today!

Are you ready to take your health to the next level? Integrating daily supplements into your routine can provide the extra support your body needs for optimal well-being. Explore Clean Program’s range of high-quality supplements designed to enhance your health and address your specific needs.