Keep Your Heart Strong With This Baked Halibut

Keep Your Heart Strong With This Baked Halibut


Our roasted baked halibut recipe combines colorful seasonal veggies, with the delicate sweet flavor of baked halibut. Baked halibut is rich in various nutrients such as selenium, magnesium, vitamin B12, and omega-3 essential fatty acids. With an abundance of fresh produce this dish is perfect for a fun picnic. Our savory baked halibut recipe is a perfect recipe to keep handy while cleansing on the 21-Day Program and would pair well with a refreshing Cranberry + Rosemary Fizz.

High-Fiving Over Baked Halibut: Why We Love This Nutrient-Dense Fish

With its delicate flavor and soft texture baked halibut is a very popular choice when deciding on what to have for dinner. Baked halibut is rich with omega-3 fatty acids, to keep our hearts strong and healthy. By incorporating more Omega-3 fatty acids into your diet, along with additional DHA supplementation, you can reduce the risk of many chronic heart diseases. Along with being heart-healthy baked halibut also contains high amounts of vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid. These vitamins help to keep your energy levels high and strengthen our immune systems.

Savory Summer Vegetables in our Roasted Baked Halibut Recipe

It is always fun to use fresh seasonal vegetable in our recipes, especially during the summer, when so many vegetables are in abundance right now. Summer squash and zucchini are some of our favorite vegetables to grill or roast. Summer squash contains vitamin C to help support your immune system and to give your skin a healthy glow. Green beans, a rich source of dietary fiber and vitamin A, are another great summer vegetable that pairs well with our baked halibut recipe.

Serves: 2

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes


2 6-8 ounce halibut steaks

1 bunch of fresh thyme

¼ cup olive oil

sea salt, to taste

1 large zucchini, cut into ⅛ inch thick rounds

1 medium sized summer squash or patty pan

1 red onion, sliced thin

1 cup fresh peas

½ pound green beans, cut into 3rds

1 tablespoon fresh mint

1 pint of raspberries


First prep your vegetables by slicing the zucchini, squash, and onions. Shuck the peas and set aside. Heat a large skillet over medium heat with a few tablespoons of olive oil. Cook the onion and squashes for a few minutes, stirring occasionally until soft and translucent.


Meanwhile, bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Blanch the peas and green beans just until soft, about 2-3 minutes. Remove from the water, drain, and add to the remaining vegetables.


To cook the halibut, lightly oil a baking dish then lay a few sprigs of thyme on the bottom. Top with the halibut. Season with sea salt. Chop a few sprigs of thyme and sprinkle over the fish. Move to the oven and cook for about 5-10 minutes at 350°, being mindful not to overcook the fish. Once the veggies and fish are cooked, fold some chopped mint into the veggie pan. Season with sea salt. Divide the veggies amongst two plates and top with the fish.


Recipe and Photography by Clean Team

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